Ham Radio Operator

Why Everyone Should be a HAM Radio Operator

HAM Radio is also known as Amateur radio. For many people, it is a hobby that connects electronics, communications, and space. But this hobby becomes a key source of hope during natural disasters and human conflicts when every other mean of communication is disrupted. Because of the some key technologies involved, many people take to ham radio operation as a hobby. Apparently, the technology is simple and anyone can set up his HAM radio station and start communicating with the world. A Ham Radio Operator can also telecast weather bulletin or a short radio message to all those who are tuned to his band frequency.  

What can you do with HAM Radio?

If you are a HAM Radio hobbyist, it will open up the exciting field of practical physics. When you are active in your given frequency, you are more alert and trying to decipher what others are saying. Sometimes, some of you will like to broadcast meteorological information informing others about the weather conditions in your area. Through HAM radio, you can keep watch on what’s the weather condition in the space. Through you radio, you can send your signal to the moon and let it come back to you. Do you feel excited at the prospect? Yes, that’s Ham radio. You can set it up yourself and have the fun of being a scientist in your own right.

Here are some of the advantages of being a HAM radio enthusiast:

Communicate with the world

All communication systems such as WiFI, mobile, radars, TVs, etc. work within their given frequency band and they pay to the government for using their frequency band. Amateur radio operators also get a fixed frequency band along with their license, which allows the government to keep track of all licensed HAM radio operators. With this frequency band and radio license, HAM radio operators can transmit their messages to all those who are tuned to that frequency band. It can also receive messages from other operators in the same frequency band. This practically allows you to communicate with people across the world that is without the help of mobile or the Internet.

Transmit images

While you can send voice communications and coded messages across the globe, you can further up the game by transmitting an image to the other end. You can transmit images by coded audio messages for which various coding techniques are available.

EME Communication

Earth has a natural satellite in moon. We all know the radio waves bounce back when they hit a surface. In this case, radio waves sent to the moon bounce back after heating the moon’s surface. Since moon has quite a big surface, it’s a huge reflector for radio waves sitting above us. Anyone on the earth who is able to view the moon will be able to receive the signal on their radio. For this EME communication, all you need to do is send a radio wave to the moon and wait for it return.  

Final thoughts

HAM radio operation is a useful and interesting hobby. Through this, you can keep a network of communication open even when most other networks have lost their way. HAM radio operations is a one-man show and that’s why in the case of a natural disaster or human conflicts when ordinary networks of communications are down, even one Ham Radio Operator can establish a connection with the rest of the world. All this makes a case for everyone should be a HAM radio operator.

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